Bavaria premier quits as CSU teeters following election ‘rout’

Three days after the Christian Social Union (CSU) lost its absolute majority for the first time in almost half a century, Bavarian premier Geunther Beckstein quit, acknowledging he had lost the support of the party’s grassroots. The party leader, Erwin Huber and its top woman, Christine Haderthauer had already stepped down after the CSU share of the vote slumped to 43 per cent in Sunday’s election.

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Far-right to do well in Austrian elections

Surveys on the eve of the Sept 28 general elections show the far-right Freedom Party and the Alliance for Austria’s Future capturing between 25 and 27 per cent of the vote–something unmatched since Jörg Haider led extreme rightists to a 27 per cent victory in 1999.

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